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Dear Peek’s Chapel Family   I look forward to partnering with you as we embark on an exciting new school year. As the new principal, I am very happy to be part of the Peek’s Chapel Elementary family. I want to welcome our new families and thank the returning parents and scholars who have supported Peek’s Chapel over the years.  I am very excited about the new goals we have set for the year and the work that will be done to continue making Peek’s Chapel a great place for any scholar to achieve.      I am deeply committed to ensuring that we develop every child to his or her fullest potential in a safe, nurturing, and highly engaging learning environment. Peek’s Chapel Elementary will continue to grow academically, and our goal is to continue to strive for excellence. We are a rigorous school that will provide an education to each scholar. We are committed to scholarly success and to continuing to develop the scholarly mindset. Our staff will continue to set high expectations for each student here, and we will work collaboratively to achieve your goals. Every day we will aim high, armed with passion and purpose; I am challenged and motivated to lead the school-based community and to engage all stakeholders in realizing the school and district goals for our school and our scholars.       I want to make this year a great year, and I know that together we can make a difference in the lives of the students we serve each day. Let’s work together to continue to make Peek’s Chapel Elementary a great place for our scholars to feel safe, work and learn.         I urge you to be active in your child’s education at home. Please encourage them to read outside of the scope of what is required of him/her throughout the school day. As we continue to teach the Georgia Standards of Excellence the amount and prepare them for rigor, outside reading will greatly contribute to your child’s success, not only in school but in the world outside of the classroom. We have high expectations for our scholars, and we expect level 4 effort from them each day, and you, as a parent, can expect level 4 instruction from each teacher. We want to live by our school-wide 2023-2024 school-wide theme.        “Teaming Up for Next-Level Greatness”      This will be evident in all that we do as we continue to put scholars first and work together as a team. It truly does take a village to raise a scholar, and we look forward to your continued support. Let’s have an amazing year!!!!              Professionally Yours,        Shavon Beckett   Principal   Peek’s Pandas